2007 Jul-Dec Events July October December
Saturday, December 8
3pm-5pm/15h-17hThe Ethnic Paris CookbookWinner of "Best Illustrations" at the 2007 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards
Meet the Authors/Book Signing Come meet Charlotte Puckette and Olivia Snaije, authors of The Ethnic Paris Cookbook (Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd.). Paris has become just as important on the ethnic cuisine circuit as London or New York, thanks to the mouth-watering dishes lovingly cooked, more often than not, by immigrants from former French colonies. Paris is now home to a multitude of immigrants from ex-colonies and protectorates that arrived in successive waves over the last 60 years: Senegalese, Algerians, Tunisians, Moroccans, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians and Lebanese, to name a few. The richness of these cultures provides a kaleidoscope of tastes and experiences captured in The Ethnic Paris Cookbook by Charlotte Puckette and Olivia Kiang-Snaije. Learn more at their website: http://www.theethnicpariscookbook.com, or simply come and meet them at The Red Wheelbarrow!
Wednesday, December 127pm/19hYoung Australian Poets
Join us for the Young Australian Poets book launch & reading with Claire Potter & Nicholas Manning. Claire Potter is the author of In Front of a Comma (Poet's Union, 2006) & recipient of the 2006 Young Australian Poet Award.  Her second chapbook, N'ombre, is published by Vagabond Press, Sydney, as part of their Rare Objects Series. Poet & writer Nicholas Manning teaches Comparative Literature at the University of Strasbourg II Marc-Bloch. His recent chapbook, entitled Novaless I-XXVI, was published in California by Achiote Press. He is the editor of the Paris-based poetry & poetics video magazine The Continental Review.
Celebrate Lire en Fête (Oct 19-21) at RWB with a book launch on Oct 20. More on Lire en Fête at www.lire-en-fete.culture.fr
Saturday, October 20 & Sunday, October 21
Saturday 11am/11h; Sunday 4pm/16hThe Red Necklace
Paris Launch / Meet the Author Sally Gardner
The Red Wheelbarrow bookstore and Orion books is thrilled to announce the Paris Launch of The Red Necklace by Sally Gardner, who won the The Nestlé Children's Book Prize (formerly known as the 'Nestle Smarties Book Prize') for her previous book I, Coriander (see our review).
Sally Gardner will be at the bookshop on Saturday morning the 20th at 11 am, and for those of you who can't come on Saturday, she'll be here again on Sunday afternoon the 21st at 4pm. Sally has written books for all ages; a selection of her wonderful books will be available. Meet this fabulous author and get your copy(copies) signed by her! Book details, Q&A with the Author (Orion website)
Saturday July 21
0:00am/00h00Midnight Ball for the Arrival of the 7th & Final HARRY POTTER Book
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling was published around the world in the English language at midnight (00:01 BST - British Summer Time) Saturday, 21st, July 2007. 2007 marks the tenth anniversary of the publication of the first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
To celebrate the arrival of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore hosted a Midnight Ball, with sorting, singing, supping until the 1 am opening of the HP boxes!
Events Archive
January-June 2007
January-June 2006
July-December 2006
January-June 2005
July-December 2005
Red Wheelbarrow is located at 22, rue St Paul, 75004 Paris. Nearest
metro station St Paul (Bastille and Sully-Morland are also close);
buses 67, 96, 69, 76, and Balabus. Go here
for a map.
Phone: 01 48 04 75 08, Fax: 01 44 59 60 23
Email: red.wheelbarrow@wanadoo.fr